Karela Jamun Juice, a product by Som Herbal Specialities, likely combines the extracts of bitter gourd (karela) and Indian blackberry (jamun) into a concentrated juice. Here are the potential benefits associated with these ingredients:
Blood Sugar Regulation:
Karela (Bitter Gourd): Bitter gourd is known for its potential to lower blood
Gynadol Syrup Over all tonic for women,Regulate menstrual cycle,Nurture reproductive organs,Cure aliments Uterine tonic,Helpful in Leucorrhoea,Anaemia and Malaise in women,Relieves backache
Over all tonic for woman,Regulate,menstrul cycle,Nurture reprodctive organs,Cure aliments,Uterine tonic.Helpful in Leucorrhoea Anaemia and Malaise in women,Relieves backache
For routine use as a liver protective,Helpful in Acute and chronic inflammatory liver diseases due to virus,bacteria,protozoa and toxins,Helpful in treatment of various hepatocellular and heptacanlicular conditions.